
Staff Training

Team/Indiv Coaching

Growth Culture

Empower staff to grow personally and professionally

Build an authentic mindset culture where staff feel the confidence and support to do their best, seek innovative solutions, and pursue ongoing growth

Consulting, strategic planning, staff training and coaching

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Step into Synergy

Develop collaborative and effective teams 

Experience an environment where individuals thrive, teams achieve greater results and organizational impact is maximized. 

Ldrshp, Staff and Team Training/ Coaching

Synergy Retreats

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Intercultural Synergy

Build culturally responsive and interculturally proficient teams

An asset based training and coaching series to foster intercultural awareness, respect, equity, collaboration and communication.

Ldrshp, Staff and Team Training/ Coaching

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"OUR TEAM HAS ALREADY NOTICED A POSITIVE CHANGE IN HOW WE INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER! We are able to be much more open and honest in our communication. I feel as if I can “speak up” without being “shot down” or told, “that’s not the way we do it here.”"

Synergy Training and Coaching
Team Member

"The work you brought to our organization has already been helpful to the whole organization but also to our team. We are a much more powerful team now and can do the work that needs to be done for our clients. Thank you!"

Synergy Training and Coaching
Organizational Leader

"This has been a great experience, especially to get to know a new group of people and to learn to work together even when we are so different! Thank you!!!"

Synergy Training


Unleash the synergistic potential of your teams with this asset based approach to team growth and development

What's your team's personality?

Identifying and eliciting the strengths of similar and divergent personalities

That was MY idea!

Developing a culture of growth that is open to sharing ideas and trying new things

When you succeed we succeed

Celebrating collegial successes without tripping over professional jealousy

My "work family"

Fostering a shared sense of family/team among an organization

We need each other

Building trust, honor and collaboration among colleagues and departments

Unraveling the tangle of communication

Creating healthy channels of communication and the skills to keep it going


Give your staff or team a boost with a synergy retreat to enhance appreciation, collaboration and communication among leadership, staff and teams.


How do you know it's time for a Synergy Retreat? 

  • Are you gearing up for a new season of growth or change together?
  • Do you have new team members?
  • Are personalities getting in the way of productivity?
  • Does your team tiptoe around each other?
  • Is there more eye rolling than appreciative nods during team meetings?
  • Do you want to invest in your team and demonstrate the value you place on them?


Contact us

"I believe schools, businesses and companies who provide public service MUST take part in this training! It will guide, show them clarity, and strengthen their capacity to learn and become more accepting, self aware, and responsive within their teams and to those they serve. Their whole culture will change for the better!"

Intercultural Synergy

"Intercultural synergy has been such an amazing training for me personally! I learned so much about myself and those around me. I am more aware of my working environment and how to work with, talk to, and relate to my coworkers. It has taught me what a good working environment can look like and how to be a better teammate myself. Thank you very much! "

Intercultural Synergy

"Dr. Martinez provided great ways to help our staff see how "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." Working as a collaborative and culturally proficient team means understanding how OUR DIFFERENCES ARE ASSETS! Thank you!"

Intercultural Synergy

"This was a useful time of learning to work together! It was fascinating to learn about the different perspectives on time, relationships, task, cultures, etc. It was difficult to reflect on myself - but in the end to offer grace to myself and others. And it all happened in a safe environment created by the instructor. "

Intercultural Synergy


Three part series fostering intercultural awareness, respect, equity, collaboration and communication

PART 1: Culture & Connection

Building appreciation and responsiveness to cultural distinctives and strengths within a team and among those you serve.

PART 2: Culture & Communication

Encountering the power of language to reveal hidden prejudice, create connections, heal relationships and foster equity.

PART 3: Culture & Conflict

Daring to dialogue about important issues and working through miscommunication & conflict with authenticity, humility and cultural competency.

Ready, Set, Go!

Contact us! We'll help you determine what speaking topic, presentation, training or coaching with Dr. Martinez will best fit your goals.


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